Struggling with some monsters

It has been a while since my last post. I kind of put on hold my thoughts about my abusive relationship. I was having a really nice time living my life. I spend a wonderful vacation with family back home and had a great holiday days. But recently the monsters of my abusive relationship have come back to haunt me.
I felt I was ready to have a relationship with someone so I took an advice a friend gave me and joined an online dating site. Since I joined it, I’ve seen three guys. The first one, I saw it only on the meet date. The second one I spent about a month of dating but there was no connection. The third one… yes, there is connection here. We texted a lot, we had two dates but suddenly he disappeared. Don’t know, he doesn’t seem that kind of guy. Maybe he has a good explanation, maybe he needed space, or maybe is the family member who is in town. He must have his reasons. And I respect them.
The point is that this situation of not knowing about him  had made me feel more vulnerable and some of the things that had been asleep for a while are starting to wake up. Waking up the abused part of me.
Yes, maybe my self-esteem is a bit broken in this aspect, in the men aspect. But how couldn’t be broken? Too many insults!!! Too many!!!!
I thought I was over them. But in some place I read that there are scars that are named memories. Unfortunately, memories last; persist. They are these things that live with us all of our life. At this moment, the ones that I don’t want to remember are the ones who are devouring my mind and destroying my heart. Memories that penetrated deep in my being and that sometimes resurfaced again trying to destroy the ones that are trying to be built.
I know I am a great woman, a good mother, daughter, sister, friend and human being. I have many talents and skills. But there is something that I am missing. I need a little of validation in other aspect. In the facet who a bad relationship destroyed. That one that he kept. That one that with which he stayed.
Maybe is wrong to look for validation, acceptance in a man but maybe is that I think that if a man took it from me, it could be a man who can return it to me.
I don’t know.
I am a woman searching to be loved. Don’t get me wrong. I have a lot of loves in my life and I am very fortunate for that. But this woman needs a little more, just a little of some good love from a man.

Take care, T.

Memories from the past

Story of a camouflage abuse

Most of my memories of my past relation are some kind of  blurred. So many nights I tried to remember… no luck.

How 20 something years of a relationship can be forgotten?

It seems that I erased from my mind most of the things that happened to me in this relationship, both good and bad. Maybe I did it in a way to protect myself. I am a counselor, so I know that our mind is powerful and can do great things to help you cope with different situations, like blocking out bad memories.

But why block the good stuff? I know there were happy days…I know for sure there were, but why I can’t remember them? Why I can’t remember Christmas, birthdays, and other memories that are supposed to be good ones?

I remembered my children being born and almost all of my memories with my boys. Some of…

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Memories from the past

Most of my memories of my past relation are some kind of  blurred. So many nights I tried to remember… no luck.

How 20 something years of a relationship can be forgotten?

It seems that I erased from my mind most of the things that happened to me in this relationship, both good and bad. Maybe I did it in a way to protect myself. I am a counselor, so I know that our mind is powerful and can do great things to help you cope with different situations, like blocking out bad memories.

But why block the good stuff? I know there were happy days…I know for sure there were, but why I can’t remember them? Why I can’t remember Christmas, birthdays, and other memories that are supposed to be good ones?

I remembered my children being born and almost all of my memories with my boys. Some of these memories involve my ex husband but many of the part he played in them are obscure.

I sometimes asked my sister about my past. And it is now, with her helped, that I’ve recalled some bad memories from it. Sometimes I don’t believe it but she doesn’t have to lie to me so… It is rare to see that we both are sharing the same memory; she remembered it in one way and I remembered it in a complete different one. Believe me, dealing with it is exhausting.

But how about the good memories? I know they exist.

Now, I need someone who can help me remember the happy memories.

I need someone who can point out the days of laughter and happiness.

I need it!!

Take care, T.

Love is joy…

Love is joy
Love is respect
Love is feeling free
Love is acceptance
Love is joy
Love is the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning
Love is feeling
Love makes you smile
Love is joy
Love is when your eyes shine
Love is forgiving
Love is to care
Love is joy
Love is a fire that reigns in your heart
Love is to share
Love is to laugh
Love is joy
Love is an act of self-giving
Love is happiness
Love is unconditional
Love is joy

love is joy

I smiled…

Story of a camouflage abuse

I smiled…

Even in my sorrow, I smiled.

That smile kept me going. It gave me strength.

That smile helped me covered my real feelings.

I smiled even if I was crying. I smiled to keep on trying.

I did it for my kids, specially my kids. I smiled for my parents and siblings. I smiled for my friends. Yes, I even smiled for him.

I smiled when my heart was aching. I smiled when I felt lonely. I smiled when I felt hopeless.

I smiled when I felt insecure. I smiled when I felt I was nothing.

I smiled because I have too.

I smiled because it gave me strength to change

I smiled because I was done.

I smiled because I knew I deserved a second chance. I smiled because I was out of it.

And now, I smile because I deserve it.

I smile because I don’t…

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Am I ready for a new relationship?

Time has passed…It’s been two years that I had been separated and almost a year from my divorce. Some people said is a long time others disagreed. I don’t know if it is a long time or not but for some time now, a question is popping in my head like crazy. Am I ready to be in a new relationship? Am I ready for someone to love me?

Part of me believes that I am, the other part doesn’t.
There is this part of me that is terrified. What if I do the same mistake again? What if the man I choose is the wrong one? What happen if I fell in love so blindly that I don’t see what’s in front of me? Why if I get confused again and messed up good love (love founded in respect) with bad love (love that hurt you, that makes you cry)? Am I going to cry like before? Does this love will hurt? All of these questions go around in my head constantly.
But, the other part of me believes in good love, in respect and all the great things that come with it. Of course, I should be willing to open my heart and welcome a new man in my life. I know there are good men out there who respect, care, and love women. I know I deserve it, I deserve one of these men. I know that life will give me a second chance for me to feel loved and respected.

You know what; I think I am going with the part of me who believes I deserve a second chance, the part of me that believes that there is good love. I am going to stick to it and if the opportunity arises, I am going to be in my best and I will grab it because life is about second chances.
Could I have love without the tears? Without the pain?

Take care, T.

“My heart might be bruised, but it will recover and become capable of seeing beauty of life once more…I’ll find love again.”
Paulo Coelho, The Zahir                    

I was used to cry

Story of a camouflage abuse

As I wrote before, I didn’t know I was in an abusive relationship until I got out of it. All I really knew is that I cried a LOT during these twenty something years that I stayed in this relationship.

I now remember that I cried from the beginning. I recalled being in my house all alone and crying only months after we got married. We were married because I was pregnant and for me it was very difficult. I was a single girl and suddenly I was pregnant, married and haven’t finish college. While all my friends were hanging out I was at home alone. Yes, alone because he will go out and hang out also. So, instead of dealing with the pregnancy and marriage together as a couple it was only me dealing with it.

My son was born. I was very happy for it. I think I…

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I was used to cry

As I wrote before, I didn’t know I was in an abusive relationship until I got out of it. All I really knew is that I cried a LOT during these twenty something years that I stayed in this relationship.

I now remember that I cried from the beginning. I recalled being in my house all alone and crying only months after we got married. We were married because I was pregnant and for me it was very difficult. I was a single girl and suddenly I was pregnant, married and haven’t finish college. While all my friends were hanging out I was at home alone. Yes, alone because he will go out and hang out also. So, instead of dealing with the pregnancy and marriage together as a couple it was only me dealing with it.

My son was born. I was very happy for it. I think I was born to be a mom. But, for him it was a different story. He was jealous of our baby. He was jealous of me spending time with him. We had a lot of discussion because of this matter. He even asked me one day who I love more, him or our son. Well, he didn’t asked one time; he did it a lot in the course of our marriage. Of course I love my son more but I always said that both loves were different and that I couldn’t explain it. I knew he would get mad if I said I love my son more. I know that this answer never pleased him and sometimes he made me feel bad because I was paying attention to our son and not to him.

I did cry. Because it wasn’t only that he wasn’t pleased with my answer, he will insult me and made me feel guilty because I was paying more attention to my son than to him.

Years passed and I remember me crying. I can’t remember why but I know I did it. All I can remember is me crying quietly in bed, crying louder on the shower, crying in the bathroom at work after talking to him, crying during a ride in the car after a big fight.

Now I know that all that crying wasn’t supposed to happen. If you have a good relationship where love and respect prevails, it shouldn’t be accompanied by all that hurt and crying.

It is now that I realized that I was used to all that crying and sadness. It is now that I realized that at that time I wasn’t expecting more of a relationship.

But, it is now that I also realized that I can have a life without excessive crying.

Of course one will cry one time or another but a relationship shouldn’t be support with crying, hurt, and sadness.

I know I can do better. I know I can have a relationship fund on respect, love, and happiness.

I’m just waiting that life will grant me with a lovable, respectful man who will love and respect me as a woman, as a human being.

Take care, T.

Camouflage abuse

Heal your heart

Story of a camouflage abuse

Have you ever being in a relationship that makes you think you are happy but make you cry a lot. And sometimes you wondered why are you still in this relationship.
Well, I was in that kind of relation for almost 22 years.

This blog is for all you women like me that are or were in this kind of relationship. I will blog with my heart so I can allow myself to heal my wounds but, by sharing my story, I hope I can touch and heal people’s souls.

Why camouflage abuse?   Because for me it was a camouflage abuse. The abuse was there but I didn’t notice. The abuse was underneath the love.

Feel free to comment. Maybe we can help each other and together we can move on.

Take care, T Heal your HEART!!!!!

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I smiled…

I smiled…

Even in my sorrow, I smiled.

That smile kept me going. It gave me strength.

That smile helped me covered my real feelings.

I smiled even if I was crying. I smiled to keep on trying.

I did it for my kids, specially my kids. I smiled for my parents and siblings. I smiled for my friends. Yes, I even smiled for him.

I smiled when my heart was aching. I smiled when I felt lonely. I smiled when I felt hopeless.

I smiled when I felt insecure. I smiled when I felt I was nothing.

I smiled because I have too.

I smiled because it gave me strength to change

I smiled because I was done.

I smiled because I knew I deserved a second chance. I smiled because I was out of it.

And now, I smile because I deserve it.

I smile because I don’t have to take it anymore. I smile because life has given me a second change.

Now I smile because I want to.

Take care, T.